Beverley Glock Cookery School

Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire  •  Region:  •  Type: , , ,  •  Cost:

Basic ingredients: Children’s food expert Beverley Glock established her culinary enterprise in response to her daughter’s demand for a cooking party as a fifth birthday celebration. Now her growing network of cookery franchises hosts school-based workshops and kids parties across the UK, including cake and cookie decoration and ‘Splattastic’ Molecular Gastronomy for those budding baby Blumenthals. The website is choc-a-bloc with ideas and events for children’s cookery. Saturday Morning Children’s Cookery club for 5-11 year olds is £75 a month and cooking parties for kids and teens range from £3 – £30. Adults can get in on the fun, too, with their own cake decorating courses, Indian, Italian and Middle Eastern cookery and one-to-one tuition for three hours with  Beverley.

They say: We have designed our recipes so that children can easily follow them and grown-ups get involved only when they are needed – we feel the children should be in charge and have a grown-up as their sous-chef not the other way round!

We say: Beverley Glock likes to spread the word and fun when it comes to teaching the next generation to cook. Those interested can apply for an exclusive franchise license to set up their own ‘Glock School’ from a specific UK location, which they assure you can fit around your hectic family schedule.

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Contact: Beverley Glock Cookery School, Park Mill House, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough HP27 9QB
0870 766 8290;

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